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What we do.

Our services are where we earn our keep. Our plan is to provide you with all of the tools necessary to assist you in your quest to advance. We have detailed what we provide, how you can benefit from it and how you can get started.


We have a set up a series of options for you. We highly recommend you solicit our services as a wholistic package. However, many of our services are offered individually. We have set up a series of performance packages that will fit your needs. Take a look. We've got you covered.

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Every player needs a strong support system to assist them. We give families the information and tools they need to make qualified decisions. We are a resource to them in all aspects. Family is the backbone for players. We are the backbone for families.

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Teams and coaches are always on the lookout for players. Many times, they lack either the scouting budgets or connections to find players. We use our extensive Rolodex of relationships to find the right team and level for you.

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Mental Training is a vital tool towards building the complete player. Our Mental Coach will teach you to unlock the methods used by world class athletes to enhance their performace.

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Smart students make smart players. Our NCAA compliance expert will consult with you to provide you with all of the tools towards the necessary steps you need to take to be eligible for college.



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What you eat, when you eat and how much you eat has an immense impact on your play. Our certified nutrition advisor will provide you with suggested meal plans designed for maximum performance and growth.

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Video training is an important tool to promote and develop a players hockey IQ. Our advisors provide each player with a video breakdown and follow up analysis. We also provide season video review upon request.

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Strength, Conditioning and overall fitness training is vital to a players growth, development and improvement. Our certified fitness advisor will work with you on creating a plan that is geared towards results.

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Every successful player who has ever played the game has had a mentor. A mentor will provide the support and guidance, pulling from their experiences. Our sole interest in our players. As such, we will mentor them in all aspects of their career. 



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Players continually work on their skills. The benefit of a session coach to work on the small details of a players game is immense. We provide seasoned professional coaches to visit you and schedule individual on ice workouts.

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Marketing yourself as a player to potential teams can have either positive or disastrous results. We speak to junior and college coaches all the time about how best to present players to them. We design a recruiting package based on what they want to see and how they want to see it.

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Our founder was both a professional and college scout in the National Hockey League. He will provide players with a 4-game scouting report, just like the ones he submitted in the NHL. Each with a comprehensive breakdown.



"The quality of life is family."

We take a wholistic approach to what we do. While it is the player who is the primary benefactor of what we do, families benefit greatly from the information we provide. The decisions to be made and complexity of options for players, at every level, can be daunting...and costly. Our aim is to narrow down your options to find the right fit the player and family.


Through are experiences and abilities, we cut down on the "homework" phase of your journey. We offer you the options available to you in a detailed, straight-forward manner.

Family Advisory


"Advancement is doing more than what you are asked."

Advancement from season to season, or even mid season, involves so many things. As we grow with our clients, we are able to assess the player currently and project his/her advancement path. We then present the player a variety of options and target teams as part of this ongoing process. We work with teams at levels to assist them in their comfort level with our players. Our goal in each situation is to help find the best program for our players towards their upward path.

Player Advancement


"How you do anything is how you do everything." 

Mental Training is such an underutilized tool in a players arsenal. We consult with experts in this field with years of experience and mental coaching. These associates are mental rock stars in their world and brings their passion for working with highly motivated athletes is unmatched. We will introduce you to their techniques and impart their wisdom on you to assist you in your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly plan for success.

Mental Training


"Education is the premise of progress."

Ross Beebe is widely considered to be be the Godfather of Education Advisors. He was the BCHL's first Education advisor and is still with them today. His lectures around the continent are attended by hundreds each year. We are extremely fortunate to have him on the Hockey Horizons team. "Rosco." cares deeply for each of our player and leaves no stone uncovered when it comes to both NCAA and CIS compliance rules. He develops an ongoing education profile for each player and gives you target goals in all aspects of education to make yourself eligible for college hockey.



"You are what you eat."

Having the nutritional information needed to maximize performance is what we provide our players and families. Your body is your engine and we have gathered decades of appropriate dietary information to provide you with a plan to fuel your performance.



"Video training inspires me to match perfection."

Video training is a powerful tool. We use video to catalog our players performance. We also use it to assist players in learning more about their game and how they can improve it. Players have the ability to have interactive one on one video sessions with our advisors to reinforce good habits and improve on bad ones.


With our partnership with InStat, we are able to train our players in the use of video review and assist them in creating their video library that they can use for all aspect of their game and to market themselves to higher level recruiters.

Video Analysis


"You can always improve your training."

Attention to fitness gives a player the ability to achieve greater things and increases their ability to improve their on ice game. Developing a solid in-season and off-season plan for fitness is all part of the process. Upon request, we will introduce you to our Rolodex of top fitness professionals who will assist us in assisting you.


Many players may workout but their workouts may not be designed for their hockey playing needs. Not only did our fitness professionals play the game, they currently work with teams and players with their hockey specific fitness requirements.

Fitness Advisory


"A mentor will make the difference."

The next most rewarding thing other than playing the game is to pass on the knowledge you've acquired to those who need it. Both myself and my team is available 24/7/365 to pass on what we've learned and to listen, encourage and assist. We've been through the trials of juniors, college and professional hockey and know what it took for us to move forward. Sometimes, all a player needs is to know that they have a mentor who they can lean on to help them achieve their goals.

Player Mentoring


"A good coach will change a game.

A great coach will change a life."

While players have seasonal coaches, they can always learn from the experience of others. We are available to work with players on individual skill enhancement which can build up a players pyramid, with the base of that pyramid being his/her core skill set. Our players can schedule personal sessions with our professional staff.

Session Coaching


"We can't play you if we don't know you."

Our connections in the game run deep. We utilize these connections to insure you have the best opportunities. Make no mistake, we don't over-hype our players. We simply make sure the right coaches, recruiters and scouts know who you are. Relationships are what drive hockey. Our colleagues trust us to delivered the right information on a player so everybody wins.


Each Hockey Horizons player will develop a personal profile, complete with a hockey, fitness and educational profile that will be accompanied by a video, intended for both recruiting and educational purposes.

Player Marketing


"Good scouts will unearth the truth about a player."

Hockey Horizons has the unique ability to provide something that few players and their families have access to...a professional scouting from an NHL Scout. Mike Butters scouted in the NHL for the Tampa Bay Lightning. He scouted players in the NHL, AHL, ECHL and NCAA college. He also scouted players in Major Junior, Junior A, B, Midgets and Bantams. 


We can provide players with a detailed scouting report in the same way they do it in the pros. By request, Mike will attend your tournament and based on the 4-5 games, provide you with a report of each game, along with accompanying suggestions for improvement.

Scouting Services
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